Digitaliseringsminister Anders Ygeman och Ann Molin på Hack the Crisis
Vinnarna i Hack the Crisis

Uppslutningen av deltagare, mentorer, partners och jurymedlemmar under Hack the Crisis Sweden var enorm. Under detta digitala hackton användes öppna data för att få fram lösningar som kan rädda liv, samhällen och företag i coronakrisen. Nu har vinnarna presenterats och vi säger stort grattis till dem och Sverige!

Hack the Crisis 3-6 april samlade 7439 hackare, över 200 mentorer, 130 partners och 95 jurymedlemmar. Geoforum Sverige var partner och många av Geoforums medlemmar bidrog med data och medverkade på olika sätt i detta hackaton. Stockholms stad, Lunds kommun och Region Stockholm var särskilda intressenter.

Hela 530 lösningar skickades in och de vinnande bidragen är:

Remote + Gigs on 'Platsbanken' – konceptlösning i utmaningen Save Business

Juryns motivering: many strong and elaborate concepts were presented. However, when concluding our thoughts on Realisability, Benefit for society, Scalability, and Comprehensibility, there was one submission that stood out as a winner; Our winning case aims to solve a very real problem, raised by the Swedish Public Employment Service going into this hackathon: "How to enable a quicker match of specific workforce skills with specific business demands when the wheels do start to move again?" Our winning case is a solution that speaks directly to the remote work and gig-economy that a big part of Swedish businesses are made up of today.

Coronafree – konceptlösning i utmaningen Save Communities

Juryns motivering: Quarantine is a fact for many households around the world. Due to the need of isolation, business is hurting and the world economy is on a downward spiral. We will soon reach a critical point where people need to get back into society and to their everyday lives. This project aims to identify and enable those who can and should start that journey.

Protective Visor – konceptlösning i utmaningen Save Lives

Juryns motivering: With this hack, we can all act quickly and support health care and social care personnel in saving lives. Fast, simple, and at low cost.

Break Even – digital lösning i utmaningen Save Business

Juryns motivering: - Bring local communities together and give support to each other
- The clear unique value proposition for the consumer
- Quick time to market with Realistic implementation plan
- Easy and versatile integrations with other platforms

Telehelp – Bridge the Digital Divide – digital lösning i utmaningen Save Communities

Juryns motivering: The jury believes this solutions solves the challenge for communities to continue operating, communicate to their citizens and organizations, and promote social solidarity. The winning team’s solution is easy to use for elderly specific and brings those in need of help together with volunteers’.

VoiceMed – digital lösning i utmaningen Save Lives

Juryns motivering: That this service takes a huge strain off the existing medical support services and tackles the lack of testing available, by providing an ingenious yet simple technical solution that can easily be used by anyone of any age, and regardless of access to the internet.

Läs om vinnarna här

Arrangörer av Hack the Crisis Sweden var regeringen, Myndigheten för digital förvaltning (DIGG) och Hack for Sweden. Projektledaren DIGG har nu börjat jobba med att implementera de vinnande bidragen. 

Mer info finns på

Ett EU-hackaton för att ta fram lösningar på utmaningar relaterade till Covid-19 planeras nu också. Det är EU-kommissionen som den 24-26 april arrangerar ett hackaton under namnet EUvsVirus. Alla som vill bidra är välkomna. Läs mer om #EUvsVirus