

ulirapport_tesaurusDenna rapport är en översikt om hur tesaurus och låsta värdelistor används i metadata. Det pågår/har genomförts flera parallella studier om struktur och innehåll för metadatabeskrivningar av geografiska data. T ex inom CEN och ISO. De innehåller ett växlande antal variabler (metadataelement) som skall ifyllas. Många av dessa element är begränsade till kontrollerade värdelistor för att inte synonymer för samma sak skall börja användas. Värdemängden för dessa kontrollerade listor är oftast definierade inom standarderna . Detta kan vara t ex beskrivningar av produktionsstatus och den fysiska utformning av datasetet.

I de flesta standarder finns även möjlighet att ämnesmässigt beskriva datasetet. Både till vilket tillämpningsområde som datasetet är lämpligt att använda till (disciplin) och vilka objekttyper/attributtyper datasetet innehåller (parametrar). Dessa värdelistor brukar även kallas för nyckelord.

Discipliner är ofta ett relativt begränsat urval av ämnen ca 20 stycken, som övergripande grupperar dataset. Ett tesaurus innehåller ofta relativt omfattande nomenklatur för att beskriva den information som lagras i datasetet. Det finns ingen enhetlighet när det gäller användning av tesaurus. Val av tesaurus kommer helt att styras av tillämpningsområdet och det kan vara svårt att hitta ett generellt tesaurus som tillfredställer allas behov på samma sätt som metadatastandarderna idag är en kompromiss mellan olika tillämpningsområden och där specifika profiler av den generella standarden troligen att tas fram för t ex miljövård, demografi och geologi.

De metadatainitiativ som studerats i rapporten visar på en stor heterogenitet. Få utnyttjar gemensamma tesaurus. Ett större arbete GEMET (General Multilingual Environmental Thesurus) har dock genomförts med att skapa ett flerspråkligt tesaurus som bygger på flera skilda europeiska initiativ. Av de studerade exemplen är detta det mest kompletta som studerats. Med dokumenterade metoder och verktyg för förvaltning.

Författare: Michael Östling, Satellus AB
Pris exkl. moms: 100 kr
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ulirapport_drivkrafterStudies have shown that the use of geographic information systems (GIS) may generate a benefit/cost ratio in the range of 3-8. The results have been the more efficient use of resources for providing services in areas such as communications, rescue and emergency services, utilities and defence. Using digital map data in combination with new techniques can make major savings. For example, human resource requirements can be decreased and logistics may be improved.

Earlier studies have also given clear indications that the impact on society of better access to (geographic) information can contribute to creating competitive advantages and increased growth of the Swedish economy.

In this study the main objects have been to analyse the driving forces behind the decisions to use geographic information technology and to investigate the characteristics of good GIS implementation processes. What do the drivers look like? How do they work and what could be done to initiate and stimulate the driving forces? These questions were raised to five Swedish or Nordic companies - Korsnäs Skog and Stora Enso Skog (forest companies), Telia and Telenor (telecommunications companies) and The Stockholm County Council (health and medical care organisation).

Katarina Lindgren and Christer Lindgren have been responsible for the study, commissioned by the Swedish Development Council for Land Information (ULI) and sponsored by The Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).

Författare: Katarina Lindgren & Christer Lindgren, Eken och Arken
Pris exkl. moms: ULIs medlemspris: 100 kr, Ordinarie pris: 200 kr.
Beställ rapporten via e-post eller telefon 08-613 08 18. På ULIs medlemssidor finns rapporten i pdf.

GI in Sweden 2000

Account and analysis of ULI´s survey concerning the use of geographic information in Sweden


ulirap_giisverigeULI, the Swedish Development Council for Land Information, carries out surveys about the use of geographic information systems (GIS) and geographic information (GI) in Sweden with a few years interval. The aim is to describe the use by identifying elements of success and problems as well as capturing wishes and changes. ULI has earlier accomplished four surveys about the use of GIS in Sweden. This report is consequently the fifth. The report answers questions about the use of geographic information within different organisations, the presence of IT-strategies, which systems are used and for what, how the use of GIS is distributed between different areas of practice, investments of digital geographic data and how organisations obtain digital reference data. The report also provides an indication of the users opinion concerning prices and quality of geographic information. The organisations have also answered questions about the need for education, research and development (R&D) as well as standards. The report also presents information concerning implementation and number of persons using GIS, as well as questions about elements of success and obstacles. Certain questions from the survey of 2000 has been compared with previous surveys. The number of people working with GIS daily has steady increased some 30% each year between 1995 and 2000. The most important elements of success are indicated as follows; the organisation management must be positive, data must be stored in bases which are accessible for the whole organisation and there must be a clear IT-strategy where GIS is a part. The biggest obstacles for a successfull GIS are the lack of the descision maker´s understanding, the lack of competence within the personnel and the cost of data. ULI wishes that the current report will be of use for ULI´s members and others in their planning of various activities within the field of GI and GIS.

Författare: Mia Andersson, ULI
Pris exkl. moms: ULIs medlemspris: 100 kr, Ordinarie pris: 200 kr.
Beställ rapporten via e-post eller telefon 08-613 08 18. På ULIs medlemssidor finns rapporten i pdf.



ulirapport_standardiseringsnyttanThe importance of using standards will grow in a society where information processing and exchange are continuously increasing.

For geographic information there is a number of established Swedish standards, among which the standards for Location addresses and Road and rail-road networks are included in this study.

The objective of the study is to show the benefits from using the mentioned standards and to describe a process for evaluation and implementation of these.

In general the results show that the benefits are related to increased effective-ness and higher information quality.

It is also apparent that although the use of standards is of very great importance to all kind of businesses the understanding of this is not as high as it should on a management level.

To improve this a structure process for evaluation and implementation of stan-dards is suggested.

Författare: Mia Andersson, ULI
Pris exkl. moms: ULIs medlemspris: 100 kr, Ordinarie pris: 200 kr.
Beställ rapporten via e-post eller telefon 08-613 08 18. På ULIs medlemssidor finns rapporten i pdf.


Ethics and geographic information



The technical development within geographic information management gives new conditions for acquisition, preparation, analyses and distribution of geographic information. This development effects for example ethic considerations. Therefore, it is important to consider ethical aspects within organisations that handle or manage geographic information. The use of geographic information is partly governed by law and internal rules within organisations. Nevertheless, the laws sometimes need a supplement concerning adjustments of ethics and geographic information. Some organisations have developed internal rules or policies, which regulate the use of geographic information. However, many organisations have no internal rules, which force the staff to decide which analyses and presentations that ought to be done and which data that can be handed out. The increased use and distribution of geographic information faces great responsibility on the staff, who have control and responsibility for the information.

All authorities that ULI has interviewed as well as the majority of the informants that have responded to ULI´s enquiry, consider ethics as an important issue within geographic information. The interviewed authorities have described situations where geographic information can hold sensitive ethic aspects or be used in a way that can cause damage or harm. For example, the possibility to use collected information for other purposes than planned. The geographic information can also be sensitive, if it is combined with other information or if it contains personal information. Data are distributed in different ways depending on the character of the information and considering law. Different persons within the authorities decide about handing out the information, depending on which authority. Despite existing laws, many authorities consider that the distribution of data should be regulated through policies, guidelines or written advises on how to act in different situations. Nevertheless, the majority of the informants consider that most parts already are adjusted by law, although some laws could need to be made clear to facilitate their practical use. The need for increasing consciousness and illustrating the diversity of these issues is emphasised.

A number of examples present how some organisations handle ethics and geographic information. From these examples, ULI has performed an enquiry. 160 persons answered the enquiry and judged the examples from their individual point of view. The majority (58%) indicates that their organisations handle information that can be considered sensitive in an ethic point of view. Only a minority (21%) indicates that they work for organisations that have policies including ethical aspects. Issues about ethics and morals are difficult. What one person finds normal - right or true - might not be the case for another. Many times the organisations are not even aware that they make ethic or moral choices. Other organisations have a more deliberate attitude and develop ethic rules on how to govern their activities. These rules must be developed with the awareness that they never can direct, just be a support and basis for discussions.

Författare: Mia Andersson, ULI
Pris exkl. moms: ULIs medlemspris: 100 kr, Ordinarie pris: 200 kr.
Beställ rapporten via e-post eller telefon 08-613 08 18. På ULIs medlemssidor finns rapporten i pdf.

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